The Brand Concept reportedly was used for first time around B.C 3200 in Ancient Egypt. In those years, the brand was essentially an indicator for the producer of that particular product. Today, we identify brand as the name or symbol of the goods or services that are supplied, for the purpose of differentiation from her competitors. Particularly during the frenzy of 1980’s mergers and acquisition activities, it was noticed that the brand name’s and other intangible asset’s monetary values turned out to be significantly high, although they were not directly reported in the financial tables. Today, brand value is not only utilized as a financial asset during merger and acquisition activities, but also is used heavily during licensing and franchising negotiations, providing collateral for credits, and brand performance measurements. Brand valuation, when categorized models under three main headings of Financial Models, Behavioral Models and Hybrid Models; there exists at least 20 different Brand Valuation Models. For Brand Valuation Analysis that require high level financial knowledge and experiences, our PD Consulting services is always ready for your needs. Application Form for Education and Consulting Services Şirketinizin Tahmini Marka Değerini Hesaplamak İçin Tıklayınız |